If you have lost your utilities then Utility Locating Is the place for you. you must know that we are the highest and most reviewed underground utility locating company in all of oklahoma. With over 40 years of experience in the utility locating services industry, true spot is the preferred choice for utility providers and owners who are seeking precise, timely and consistent locating and damage prevention services. You must understand that we provide a lot of services for our customers including underground utility location, ground penetrating radar, and watch and protection services.
We love what we do here at Utility Locating And can’t wait to get started with you today. are utility location services mission is to provide utility providers and owners with consistent, precise, timely, utility locating Services of the highest quality available. We do this by making sure that all of our employees are fully trained, are safe on and off the job, that every project is completed on time with integrity, and always guarantee the first month free for a new potential customer.
We can’t wait to get started with you at Utility Locating Today. There are 40 years of experience in the utility Construction Services space. We have worked with many different locating companies and have never been satisfied with their accuracy or consistency. we recognize that there was an opportunity for a company with strong core values I could deliver accurate results in more consistently with better customer service and communication. We have filled that space in the market and have since become the highest most reviewed and referred utility construction company in the country. We have so many things to offer our customers when you reach out to us today including public utility location, private utility locating, ground penetrating radar, and damage prevention.
The most common service that true spot is public utility locating services. The service is used by public utility providers to accurately identify existing underground utilities. The most common types of utilities located by true spot are electrical, communications, fiber optic cable and gas lines. Well these are the most common, they are certainly not the only types of lines that true-spot locates.. My Contracting with a quality utility locating service, the utility providers and everything it is or her power to protect their infrastructure. Well there are several utility locating services available, our company has truly revolutionized industry. We are so sure of it, that if a public utility provider wants to try us and see what all the hype is all about they can try our service absolutely risk free for the first month completely free.
We can’t wait for you to get started with us today. i want you to understand that this is going to be really good for you and your family. you will not regret this experience because we know exactly what we’re doing with over 40 years of experience. To get started with us you must visit our company’s website at true-spot.com And call us at 405-585-3803.
Utility Locating | Get started today
When you choose Utility Locating You will not regret it. As one of the most influential Business Leaders of our time, Steve Jobs says, if you are not passionate about what you do, it will never work. This is exactly the reason why true spot was started. We are here to fundamentally change the utility locating industry. Or they combined a 58 years of experience in the utility construction industry, true spots Founders started the company with a burning idea that the utility locating can and should be done better. There’s an obvious and recurring problem in the utility construction industry. I promise everyone whose business involves any type of trenching or excavation. Together we have a total of 58 years of experience in horizontal directional drilling, Excavating and trenching.
Here at Utility Locating We provide a lot of services including Public utility locating, private utility locating, ground penetrating radar, and damage prevention. The most common services that we do are the public utility locating services. The service is used by public utility providers to accurately identify existing underground utilities. The most common types of utilities located by true spot are electrical, communications, fiber optic cable and gas lines. Well these are the most common, they are certainly not the only types of lines that have true spot locations. When an excavation is planned, the excavation company must call in a locate ticket. This locate ticket, once processed, is then passed on to the utility owner. It is the responsibility of the utility owner to protect its facilities from damage. utility owners partner with locating companies to provide the service.
I can’t wait until you get started with Utility Locating Today. While there are several utility locations services available, true spot has truly revolutionized industry. we are so sure of it, that if a public utility provider wants to try us out and see what all the hype is about, they can try our service absolutely risk free for the first month completely free. When you sign up today you must know whether you are a landowner trying to look at a private utility, and oil lease operator needing to locate a production line to avoid accidental damage, a public utility provider wanting to ensure the safety and continuity of your product and service, business owner need needing to identify the location of a conduit running between two of your facilities True spot is the goat to utility locating services. We have an expert level of experience in the utility construction and damage prevention Fields ensure all of its customers receive the highest level of satisfaction. Our job is quite literally to protect what you cannot see and we take that job very seriously.
We can’t wait for you to get started today because we want you to understand that this is going to be really good for you and your company or you and your home. Get started with us today you must visit our company’s website true-spot.com And make sure to call us at 405-585-3803.