Are you in need of a quality utility locating service that will actually show you where your utility lines are instead of vaguely pointing them out and then walking away like sad little pests? If this is the case, you do not have to suffer anymore. True-Spot is here to show you exactly where everything is located underground. Not only will we be able to identify where your utility lines are located, but we will also be able to show you any obstacles that might be in the way of your project. You can go to our website today and start your first month with us for free if you are interested.
We provide our clients with amazing utility locating Services because we care. We started our business because we were passionate about the utility service field. We wanted to be able to actually help people located their utilities and not worry about how accurate the readings are. One of our business Idols, Steve Jobs, said that if you’re not passionate about what you will do, it will never work. That is why we are very passionate at True-Spot. We actually care and we will make sure everything works and we find all of the utility lines that you need found.
As a utility locating company, we have a combined 58 years of experience in the utility construction industry. Our Founders began the company with the burning idea that we could provide people with quality services for locating utilities. We believe that it should be done better than it has been done before and that is what we are here to do. We believe that there is an obvious recurring problem in the utility construction industry people a problem that holds everyone whose business involves any type of trenching or excavation. That problem is the unreliable locating of the pre-existing utilities. We believe that about 50 billion dollars are lost due to damaged underground utilities.
So when you come to us, not only will you be able to find where your utilities are located, we will be able to save you a ton of money. We want you to be able to move forward with your project confidently and not have to worry about where your utilities are located and how much it will cost you if one of them is damaged. We want to make sure that you do not have to spend that much money just to fix a small gas line. We believe that people should not experience that much damage each year. That is why we have decided to say no and make a difference.
If you want to be part of this difference, then you can go to our website today. We want you to not only save money but find your utility lines and start making a difference in the utility construction industry. You can go to our website at or you can call us at (405) 585-3803. We want every single one of our customers to trust in our services and trust that they can save thousands and billions of dollars when we are on the job.
Utility Locating | The Problem We’re Fixing
When you were trying to find a highly rated and reviewed utility locating company, then we have just the one for you. True-Spot is not only the highest rated it is the most reviewed company for locating utilities Underground. On top of that, they have nearly 50 years of combined experience in the utility construction field. This means that you are getting quality technicians that are trained, experienced, and dedicated to Excellence. When you come to True-Spot, you do not have to worry about accidentally running into one of your utility lines during your excavation project. Additionally, you can get your first month with them completely free, so don’t hesitate and go to their website today.
They began their utility locating company in order to make a difference in the utility Construction Shields. They saw how much damage and money was being lost every year. They believe that this is unacceptable and that companies should hold themselves to higher standards. They begin in Oklahoma with 3 utility construction experts. Together, they were able to start making a change. Each had been heavily involved in the underground construction industry. And they had been part of nearly every large project in Tulsa and the surrounding areas. They were able to use that expertise and start a new type of company that was full of vast knowledge.
They have since been able to offer utility locating to all different types of people from electrical service providers, cities and municipalities, plumbing contractors, custom pool builders, commercial developments, schools, churches, and everything in between. They have Advance knowledge of the utility locating industry and every single one of its shortcomings. So they have combined their power and knowledge to overcome these shortcomings so that way they can actually help people. After years of working with inadequate, incorrect, and incomplete underground Utility Services, they finally began their business after a terrible accident.
After that accident, they wanted to start a business that was left on the market and said how do we not suck as they do. So they started making a list of everything that they thought was inadequate and made other companies bad. They the end font to be a company that did none of those things. They wanted to make sure that they are a good fix to the company and they go one step further to make sure that we can put everything in the response that way they do not have to worry we will make a difference in the market and in your life, so if you are looking for a place that is fed up with the status quo and will actually make a difference, then this is where you should be.
If you want to work with a company you can trust to you look at your utilities, then this is where you should be looking. Not only will they make sure that you are able to identify every single one of your utilities, but they will also make sure that you and everybody else stay safe on the job. You can contact them when you go to their website at or you can call them at (405) 585-3803. we guarantee that you won’t be disappointed with the results.